Dota2 official forums was hacked on July 10th, 2016
Table of Contents Summary Passwords Emails Summary Dota2 official forums was hacked on July 10th, 2016 ( This data set contains 1,923,972 records. Each record contains an email address, ip […]

HEROIC Cybersecurity


July 30, 2024

Table of Contents


Dota2 official forums was hacked on July 10th, 2016 ( This data set contains 1,923,972 records. Each record contains an email address, ip address, username, user identifier, and one password.

You may search for yourself in the leaked Dota 2 database by visiting our homepage. If your personal information appears in our copy of this database, or in any other leaked database that we possess, you may remove yourself for free.


Passwords were stored using MD5 hashing and a salt. We were able to convert over 80% of them to their plaintext values.


Simple table of top email domains. The top are what you would expect, but there are a lot of disposable emails present in the list.

Rank Email Domain Frequency
1 1,086,139
2 173,184
3 44,706
4 26,862
5 24,335
6 22,880
7 13,802
8 12,957
9 12,906
10 9,341
11 8,579
12 7,171
13 7,108
14 6,133
15 4,876
16 4,340
17 4,225
18 4,170
19 4,141
20 3,745
21 3,745
22 3,727
23 3,708
24 3,707
25 3,696
26 3,694
27 3,691
28 3,675
29 3,654
30 3,646
31 3,614
32 3,415
33 3,306
34 3,274
35 3,241
36 3,216
37 2,859
38 2,841
39 2,670
40 2,431
41 2,395
42 2,351
43 2,186
44 2,144
45 1,937
46 1,913
47 1,895
48 1,841
49 1,832
50 1,745
51 1,744
52 1,670
53 1,632
54 1,631
55 1,611
56 1,595


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