What happened?
Friend Finder Network Inc is a company that operates a wide range of 18+ services and was hacked in October of 2016 for over 400 million accounts representing 20 years of customer data which makes it by far the largest breach we have ever seen — MySpace gets 2nd place at 360 million. This event also marks the second time Friend Finder has been breached in two years, the first being around May of 2015.
A list of sites we have verified, how many affected accounts and a brief description are as follows:
- Adultfriendfinder.com
- 339,774,493 users
- “World’s largest sex & swinger community”
- Cams.com
- 62,668,630 users
- “Where adults meet models for sex chat live through webcams”
- Penthouse.com
- 7,176,877 users
- Adult magazine akin to Playboy
- Stripshow.com
- 1,423,192 users
- Another 18+ webcam site
- iCams.com
- 1,135,731 users
- “Free Live Sex Cams”
- Unknown domain
- 35,372 users
Total: 412,214,295 affected users
How did it happen? They were hacked via a Local File Inclusion exploit and you can read more about the situation when it was initially reported from this link.
After much internal deliberation by the LeakedSource team and for various reasons, we have decided that this data set will not be searchable by the general public on our main page temporarily for the time being*.
*Due to these unique circumstances, understandably skeptical journalists can contact us for undeniable proof. Trust us but independently verify our claims.
Anyone may use any information on this page for free even commercially, provided LeakedSource is given prominent credit and a direct hyperlink back to this website. (Creative Commons License 4.0)
Who are we?
LeakedSource is a breach notification website that specializes in bringing hacking incidents to the public eye. To accomplish this we offer a freemium tool to see if your information has been affected by any hacks we know about. We also offer a proactive FREE notification service where if we find your email in a future hack, we’ll tell you about it.
Sometimes when the incident is important enough, we analyze and blog about it. We also have a tool for businesses to automatically check to see if any of their own customers are reusing a password from a public hack over at our API. Companies can then force change passwords which completely irradicates credential stuffing attacks on their services saving them millions of dollars in customer support costs. It is important for us to state that we are publishers not hackers and you can read more about us on our FAQ. Now onto the details.
Deleted Users… maybe?
While perusing the data we noticed that a significant amount of users had an email in the format of: email@address.com@deleted1.com. Uh oh.
We’ve seen this situation many times before and it likely means these were users who tried to delete their account but the data is obviously still kept around because you know, we’re looking at it. According to a reporter it is impossible to register an account using an email that’s formatted this way which means the addition of “@deleted.com” was done behind the scenes by Adult Friend Finder. So counting the amount of emails with “@deleted” near the end, we have 15,766,727 “deleted” accounts in AdultFriendFinder.com.
Passwords were stored by Friend Finder Network either in plain visible format or SHA1 hashed (peppered). Neither method is considered secure by any stretch of the imagination and furthermore, the hashed passwords seem to have been changed to all lowercase before storage which made them far easier to attack but means the credentials will be slightly less useful for malicious hackers to abuse in the real world.
At this time we also can’t explain why many recently registered users still have their passwords stored in clear-text especially considering they were hacked once before, but here’s the breakdown:
- AdultFriendFinder.com
- 103,070,536 passwords already plainly visible
- 232,137,460 passwords hashed with SHA1
- 99.3% of all passwords from this website are now plaintext (cracked).
- Cams.com
- 21,422,277 passwords already plainly visible
- 41,209,412 passwords hashed with SHA1
- 96.8% of all passwords from this website are now plaintext (cracked).
- Penthouse.com
- 495,720 passwords already plainly visible
- 6,678,239 passwords hashed with SHA1
- 99.9% of all passwords from this website are now plaintext (cracked).
- Stripshow.com
- 342,889 passwords already plainly visible
- 1,080,303 passwords hashed with SHA1
- 99.95% of all passwords from this website are now plaintext (cracked).
- iCams.com
- 272,409 passwords already plainly visible
- 863,317 passwords hashed with SHA1
- 99.96% of all passwords from this website are now plaintext (cracked).
Total: 99.0% of all available passwords are now visible in plaintext
We can then create a table of the most commonly used passwords from only the main AdultFriendFinder.com database which provides a reasonable sample of the kind of credentials in use. Hint: They’re not good ones.
Rank | Password | Frequency |
1 | 123456 | 900,420 |
2 | 12345 | 635,995 |
3 | 123456789 | 585,150 |
4 | 12345678 | 145,867 |
5 | 1234567890 | 133,414 |
6 | 1234567 | 112,956 |
7 | password | 101,046 |
8 | qwerty | 86,050 |
9 | qwertyuiop | 43,755 |
10 | 987654321 | 40,627 |
11 | 123123 | 39,614 |
12 | 111111 | 38,848 |
13 | pussy | 37,938 |
14 | fuckme | 36,008 |
15 | asdfghjkl | 35,021 |
16 | 000000 | 34,631 |
17 | fuckyou | 34,498 |
18 | abc123 | 34,080 |
19 | 00000 | 33,796 |
20 | 11111 | 33,263 |
21 | 55555 | 31,524 |
22 | 54321 | 31,278 |
23 | 123452 | 30,111 |
24 | 654321 | 29,624 |
25 | pwd1234 | 28,061 |
26 | zxcvbnm | 27,237 |
27 | iloveyou | 24,155 |
28 | qwert | 22,499 |
29 | 666666 | 21,629 |
30 | asdfg | 20,696 |
31 | 0123456789 | 20,485 |
32 | azerty | 19,700 |
33 | 0987654321 | 19,641 |
34 | france | 19,559 |
35 | abcd1234 | 19,056 |
36 | password1 | 18,677 |
37 | fffff | 18,461 |
38 | 112233 | 18,152 |
39 | 696969 | 18,150 |
40 | 123321 | 17,703 |
41 | 121212 | 17,302 |
42 | asdfgh | 16,400 |
43 | football | 16,080 |
44 | 12345678910 | 16,054 |
45 | abcde | 15,789 |
46 | qwerty123 | 15,286 |
47 | 1qaz2wsx | 14,885 |
48 | 123123123 | 14,691 |
49 | pakistan | 14,173 |
50 | aaaaa | 13,543 |
51 | barcelona | 13,170 |
52 | fuckoff | 12,977 |
53 | bigdick | 12,725 |
54 | 102030 | 12,564 |
55 | asshole | 12,512 |
56 | 7777777 | 12,280 |
57 | baseball | 12,213 |
58 | qazwsx | 12,181 |
59 | liverpool | 12,129 |
60 | fucker | 11,996 |
61 | sexsex | 11,956 |
62 | fucking | 11,924 |
63 | 987654 | 11,706 |
64 | 555555 | 11,680 |
65 | aaaaaa | 11,599 |
66 | abcdef | 11,599 |
67 | daniel | 11,541 |
68 | 0000000000 | 11,400 |
69 | 222222 | 11,271 |
70 | carlos | 11,256 |
71 | superman | 11,181 |
72 | teamo | 11,044 |
73 | 123654 | 11,032 |
74 | 159753 | 10,995 |
75 | dragon | 10,809 |
We’ve also hand selected a bunch of the longest real passwords we’ve managed to crack, obtained from all websites.
Password | Length |
pussy.passwordLimitExceeded:07/1 | 32 |
gladiatoreetjaimelesexetjaimefum | 32 |
antidisestablishmentarianism | 28 |
pussypussymoneymoneyweedweed | 28 |
1234tellmethatyoulovememore | 27 |
ifyourreadingthisitstoolate | 27 |
12bucklemyshoe34shutthedoor | 27 |
iloveyousomuchdarling123456 | 27 |
fuck her right in the pussy | 27 |
killerklownzfromouterspace | 26 |
sexisthesecretofmyenergy | 24 |
thingsyouseeinagraveyard | 24 |
schrodingersfavouritecat | 24 |
mypussyiswetterthanyours | 24 |
dontthinkaboutitchelsea | 23 |
cunninglinguistbackdoor | 23 |
primeministerismanmohan | 23 |
iwilleatyourpussyright | 22 |
who the fuck is alice? | 22 |
protopopicitorescovici | 22 |
youwillneverwalkalone | 21 |
needledickthebugfucer | 21 |
myboyfriendsadickhead | 21 |
ilovemanchesterunited | 21 |
hotsexgirlscomemyway | 20 |
ratsliveonnoevilstar | 20 |
ilovebigdickintheass | 20 |
southafricanmolerat | 19 |
moneyhungrybitches | 18 |
ifuckinghateshayne | 18 |
bigfloppydonkydick | 18 |
werwolfremuslupin | 17 |
kuntwhorebitch123 | 17 |
elephantintheroom | 17 |
godstimeisthebest | 17 |
brazilianfartporn | 17 |
carlosfromcancun | 16 |
Usually people ask us how many .gov and .mil emails exist on sites like this which is easy enough to check. There are 5,650 .gov registered emails on all websites combined and 78,301 .mil emails.
We can also generate a simple table of top email providers used, from AdultFriendFinder.com only. If you review all of our blogs it’s easy to see the heavy usage of Yahoo and Hotmail addresses in companies that are older than 2004, the year Gmail was created.
Rank | Email Domain | Frequency |
1 | @hotmail.com | 96,487,200 |
2 | @yahoo.com | 74,563,930 |
3 | @gmail.com | 61,754,102 |
4 | @aol.com | 9,086,506 |
5 | @hotmail.fr | 5,640,471 |
6 | @live.com | 4,324,630 |
7 | @yahoo.fr | 3,301,523 |
8 | @yahoo.com.tw | 3,026,680 |
9 | @hotmail.co.uk | 2,814,063 |
10 | @ymail.com | 2,642,879 |
11 | @msn.com | 2,222,420 |
12 | @breakthru.com | 2,215,865 |
13 | @rediffmail.com | 2,076,126 |
14 | @live.fr | 1,862,694 |
15 | @yahoo.co.in | 1,852,173 |
16 | @yahoo.co.uk | 1,731,497 |
17 | @yahoo.com.br | 1,709,304 |
18 | @hotmail.es | 1,680,818 |
19 | @hotmail.it | 1,666,715 |
20 | @libero.it | 1,379,122 |
21 | @web.de | 1,242,285 |
22 | @yahoo.in | 1,234,240 |
23 | @outlook.com | 1,225,885 |
24 | @yahoo.es | 1,204,253 |
25 | @rocketmail.com | 1,084,346 |
26 | @comcast.net | 978,480 |
27 | @bol.com.br | 900,003 |
28 | @gmx.de | 852,200 |
29 | @yahoo.com.mx | 784,632 |
30 | @yahoo.it | 683,752 |
31 | @mail.com | 675,590 |
32 | @live.co.uk | 646,636 |
33 | @live.com.mx | 644,434 |
34 | @hotmail.de | 630,410 |
35 | @yahoo.co.id | 580,495 |
36 | @yahoo.ca | 579,302 |
37 | @yahoo.de | 578,757 |
38 | @sbcglobal.net | 573,936 |
39 | @orange.fr | 563,015 |
40 | @live.it | 560,782 |
41 | @ig.com.br | 523,142 |
42 | @googlemail.com | 510,939 |
43 | @aim.com | 497,700 |
44 | @yahoo.com.ar | 464,441 |
45 | @abv.bg | 418,401 |
46 | @att.net | 415,071 |
47 | @alice.it | 395,113 |
48 | @yahoo.com.hk | 380,777 |
49 | @yahoo.com.au | 370,662 |
50 | @hotmail.com.br | 346,287 |
51 | @verizon.net | 341,630 |
52 | @live.ca | 318,949 |
53 | @hotmail.com.ar | 292,864 |
54 | @excite.com | 287,164 |
55 | @laposte.net | 280,167 |
56 | @btinternet.com | 279,092 |
57 | @virgilio.it | 269,784 |
58 | @wanadoo.fr | 268,126 |
59 | @bellsouth.net | 268,070 |
60 | @email.com | 265,114 |
61 | @icloud.com | 264,224 |
62 | @yahoo.com.cn | 261,927 |
63 | @facebook.com | 260,584 |
64 | @cox.net | 260,106 |
65 | @windowslive.com | 259,254 |
66 | @tiscali.it | 257,141 |
67 | @live.nl | 256,422 |
68 | @free.fr | 255,041 |
69 | @freenet.de | 254,195 |
70 | @seznam.cz | 249,557 |
71 | @gmx.net | 248,765 |
72 | @o2.pl | 232,689 |
73 | @earthlink.net | 229,113 |
74 | @t-online.de | 224,136 |
75 | @yahoo.com.vn | 215,779 |
76 | @latinmail.com | 212,064 |
77 | @live.com.ar | 210,307 |
78 | @hotmail.ca | 204,783 |
79 | @live.com.au | 201,867 |
80 | @yahoo.co.jp | 195,025 |
81 | @me.com | 194,905 |
82 | @yahoo.gr | 186,611 |
83 | @gmx.at | 181,420 |
84 | @yahoo.com.sg | 174,536 |
85 | @live.cl | 169,410 |
86 | @netscape.net | 167,281 |
87 | @juno.com | 164,607 |
88 | @freemail.hu | 162,510 |
89 | @gmx.com | 160,957 |
90 | @charter.net | 154,978 |
91 | @live.de | 152,999 |
92 | @uol.com.br | 152,498 |
93 | @ovi.com | 148,861 |
94 | @live.com.pt | 145,438 |
95 | @voila.fr | 144,744 |
96 | @bigpond.com | 144,575 |
97 | @sapo.pt | 141,379 |
98 | @yahoo.com.ph | 140,006 |
99 | @terra.com.br | 138,174 |
100 | @inbox.lv | 133,504 |
What are the main languages (where available) spoken by FFN users?
Rank | Language | Frequency |
1 | english | 248,986,884 |
2 | spanish | 63,602,761 |
3 | portuguese | 29,827,490 |
4 | french | 23,313,262 |
5 | chinese | 10,384,967 |
6 | italian | 8,730,620 |
7 | german | 8,308,691 |
8 | dutch | 3,870,729 |
9 | tagalog | 2,282,025 |
10 | swedish | 1,266,684 |
11 | japanese | 651,506 |
12 | korean | 281,388 |
Site Growth and Usage
Sometimes when join dates and last visit dates are available, we can see how popular a website truly is.
AdultFriendFinder.com – Number of users who visited the site in this year, but never came back afterwards.
The last number, 6 million in 2016 would represent the known total amount of users who visited the site in 2016.
Year | Members who never returned after this year |
UNKNOWN | 81,567,099 |
1997 | 36 |
1998 | 154 |
1999 | 10,166 |
2000 | 1,896 |
2001 | 93,127 |
2002 | 81,170 |
2003 | 826,403 |
2004 | 1,506,632 |
2005 | 699,309 |
2006 | 337,792 |
2007 | 2,542,016 |
2008 | 2,483,046 |
2009 | 11,449,232 |
2010 | 22,745,563 |
2011 | 39,986,839 |
2012 | 31,039,071 |
2013 | 53,186,359 |
2014 | 67,677,193 |
2015 | 17,487,269 |
2016 | 6,054,113 |
Cams.com – How many new people registered in each year?
Year | New Members |
1998 | 103 |
1999 | 733 |
2000 | 636 |
2001 | 1,664 |
2002 | 8,288 |
2003 | 12,783 |
2004 | 17,067 |
2005 | 184,480 |
2006 | 828,922 |
2007 | 6,409,584 |
2008 | 8,853,411 |
2009 | 7,038,754 |
2010 | 7,097,596 |
2011 | 5,938,875 |
2012 | 6,896,421 |
2013 | 6,354,311 |
2014 | 5,588,085 |
2015 | 4,703,541 |
2016 | 2,700,272 |
We can also determine how many Cams.com users joined and never returned to the site (register date = last visit date). That number is 1,084,686 out of 62.6 million which is addmitedly quite impressive on their end, most of the users that come to the site actually use it.
Penthouse.com – How many new people registered in each year?
Data seems to end during the 2014 year, we’re not sure why.
Year | New Members |
1997 | 194 |
1998 | 1,325 |
1999 | 1,790 |
2000 | 349 |
2001 | 780 |
2002 | 1,926 |
2003 | 2,552 |
2004 | 5,330 |
2005 | 238,299 |
2006 | 142,855 |
2007 | 117,548 |
2008 | 1,248,557 |
2009 | 712,008 |
2010 | 1,315,626 |
2011 | 1,608,557 |
2012 | 1,113,536 |
2013 | 604,809 |
2014 | 60,708 |
Database Schemas
Provided below are the table schemas for (in order), AdultFriendFinder.com, Cams.com, Penthouse.com. These are mostly of interest to IT professionals.
Important Updates on LeakedSource
Much has happened in the last month that we’d like to share.
- Despite LeakedSource helping prior and in a case of “biting the hand that feeds”, Twitter decided to suspend us in an effort to curb free speech which as a private company they are more than free to do. Don’t expect us to help out the next time we find other Twitter credentials on the dark web. Because of this situation, we are now giving exclusive breach notifications to this news feed. If Twitter decides to ban them as well, we are going to start giving exclusive content to the terrorist group ISIS so they too get banned from Twitter because it seems like that’s what it’ll take to get Twitter to take action against accounts of those who enjoy cutting the heads off their enemies.
- We now offer a free notification service for users, get proactively notified when you appear in any breaches – Get notified!.
- Companies can cheaply secure their network by using our API. Contact us about this today.
- Journalists that want to be directly emailed every time we add a future breach can let us know over here.
That’s it for this blog! As always we have many more interesting breaches to verify and analyze including several additional Silicon Valley tech giants, so check back frequently and remember we always provide quality security news! In December we’re also going to be publishing a year in review where we intend to analyze trends over every breach we know about as well as our personal experiences, motivations and predictions going forward. But who reads this far anyway?
LeakedSource Team