another dating site was hacked around July 10th, 2016
Preface Shortly after the hack of, another dating site was hacked around July 10th, 2016. LeakedSource has obtained and added a copy of this data to its ever-growing […]

HEROIC Cybersecurity


July 30, 2024


Shortly after the hack of, another dating site was hacked around July 10th, 2016. LeakedSource has obtained and added a copy of this data to its ever-growing searchable repository of leaked data.

LeakedSource is a search-engine capable of searching over 1.9 billion leaked records — an aggregation of data from hundreds of disparate sources. We have been able to accumulate this data over a relatively short period of time through a combination of deep-web scavenging and rumor-chasing. Occasionally these efforts lead to major discoveries, but we really aren’t too picky. If we come across a leaked database from a company that most people haven’t heard of, we will incorporate it into our master database just the same.

You may search for yourself in the leaked database by visiting our homepage. If your personal information appears in our copy of this database, or in any other leaked database that we possess, you may remove yourself for free.

Since embarking on this ambitious project just a handful of months ago, we have processed an unbelievable amount of data. Much more than we expected, more than most large companies will ever house — and we’re just getting started. LeakedSource may soon become synonymous with Big Data, so don’t miss out!

Anyone may use the information on this page for free in any capacity provided LeakedSource is given credit and a link back.

LeakedSource does not engage in, encourage or condone unlawful entry (“hacking”) into private systems.

Table of Contents


This data set contains 2,035,020 records. Each record contains an email address and one password.


Passwords were stored with no hashing or encryption (plaintext).

The following table shows the top passwords used by users.

Rank Password Frequency
1 123456 28,934
2 123456789 9,631
3 12345 5,923
4 12345678 5,153
5 pakistan 3,549
6 password 3,246
7 1234567890 2,337
8 786786 2,301
9 1234567 2,179
10 shadi 1,965
11 1,774
12 1234 1,555
13 jaimatadi 1,549
14 iloveyou 1,461
15 krishna 1,242
16 654321 1,221
17 omsairam 1,183
18 qwerty 992
19 111111 878
20 computer 877
21 123123 870
22 987654321 870
23 waheguru 849
24 sairam 815
25 saibaba 783
26 abc123 768
27 000000 753
28 iloveu 746
29 priyanka 728
30 marriage 699
31 ganesh 682
32 indian 681
33 abcd1234 652
34 abhishek 642
35 deepak 639
36 sandeep 617
37 123 611
38 welcome 600
39 sweety 578
40 143143 575
41 shadi123 571
42 mother 562
43 sachin 549
44 asdfghjkl 520
45 786786786 512
46 poonam 507
47 lovely 506
48 hariom 494
49 bismillah 491
50 ashish 465
51 qwertyuiop 462
52 manisha 462
53 manish 456
54 simran 455
55 anjali 450


Simple table of top email domains.

Rank Email Domain Frequency
1 1,158,183
2 378,846
3 97,353
4 90,304
5 81,595
6 40,001
7 21,731
8 9,183
9 9,040
10 8,627
11 6,912
12 5,958
13 5,154
14 4,977
15 4,409
16 4,249
17 3,850
18 3,107
19 2,643
20 2,619
21 2,607
22 2,586
23 2,316
24 2,235
25 1,769
26 1,513
27 1,474
28 1,438
29 1,331
30 1,014
31 907
32 798
33 775
34 @gmail 765
35 703
36 604
37 553
38 547
39 529
40 452
41 440
42 425
43 @gmail.con 423
44 420
45 394
46 376
47 375
48 348
49 341
50 335
51 325
52 323
53 316
54 313
55 305

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