was hacked in August of 2016
Table of Contents Summary Passwords Leafyishere sub botting controversy Summary was hacked in August of 2016. Their main website contains 273,086 users while their forums contains only 13,009. Each […]

HEROIC Cybersecurity


July 30, 2024

Summary was hacked in August of 2016. Their main website contains 273,086 users while their forums contains only 13,009. Each record contains an email address, ip address, username, user identifier, and one password.

Additionally, data we haven’t imported includes authentication tokens for YouTube, Instagram and Twitter for thousands of users as well as some statistics on large subscriber bases.

Anyone may use any information on this page for free provided LeakedSource is given credit and a direct link back.

You may search for yourself in the leaked SocialBlade database by visiting our homepage. If your personal information appears in our copy of this database, or in any other leaked database that we possess, you may remove yourself for free.


Forum passwords were stored with MD5 and a unique salt per user, while the main site was a custom implementation of SHA512 but no unique salt per user.

The following table shows the top passwords used by users.


Rank Password Frequency
1 123456 294
2 123456789 254
3 socialblade 90
4 password 84
5 12345678 82
6 minecraft 73
7 1234567890 63
8 qwerty 53
9 123123 51
10 7780546ab 45
11 youtube 44
12 pokemon1 43
13 minecraft1 41
14 lol123 40
15 qwerty123 38
16 1234567 38
17 1q2w3e4r 36
18 123123123 33
19 qwertyuiop 33
20 043101062 31

The Leafyishere sub botting controversy was at the center of some recent controversy where a user named Leafyishere was accused of sub botting (paying for subscribers) on YouTube and so we thought who better to analyze the situation than us? You can view one such video accusation here
We took a look at the data that SocialBlade stored on this user to attempt to prove or disprove the image from the video showing a spike in subs (image from 1:25 from the video above).

Unfortunately SocialBlade did not store second by second data, but rather they obtained it directly from YouTube API and then displayed it to the clients from the following line of code in their source:

$URL = “;=$queryusername&maxResults;=1&fields;=items%2Fstatistics%2FsubscriberCount%2Citems%2F

We weren’t able to convincingly prove one way or the other but here are our findings after we took a look at LeafyisHere’s subscriber growth over the last 4-5 years, and we can see for the most part including March 20th, 2016 his growth was constant and therefore he likely didn’t sub bot this year. See below

The June 26th subscriber drop is completely normal, we looked at PewDiePie’s chart and his showed a drop in the same week. YouTube will clear out spam accounts on occasion, but as proof here is PewDiePie below showing a similar drop.

If we return to Leafy’s growth, going back years which we’ll show below it’s very smooth. The curves are nice and predictable and you can trace steeper curves to more interesting videos but everything is a curve regardless.

Let’s skip 2014, and show 2013,2012 and 2011 in order.

Everything above this point is nice and predictably smooth. We did however notice strangeness with 2014, take a look at this zoomed out graph.

See that bump in June and again near December? Let’s zoom in on each.

We checked against other popular YouTubers such as h3h3productions and found no global YouTube events to explain the zig zags. We will leave it up to the viewers to determine what happened in 2014.

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