and all of their domains were hacked in February of 2016
Preface and all of their domains were hacked in February of 2016. LeakedSource has obtained and added a copy of this data to its ever-growing searchable repository of leaked […]

HEROIC Cybersecurity


July 30, 2024

Preface and all of their domains were hacked in February of 2016. LeakedSource has obtained and added a copy of this data to its ever-growing searchable repository of leaked data.

LeakedSource is a search-engine capable of searching over 1.9 billion leaked records — an aggregation of data from hundreds of disparate sources. We have been able to accumulate this data over a relatively short period of time through a combination of deep-web scavenging and rumor-chasing. Occasionally these efforts lead to major discoveries, but we really aren’t too picky. If we come across a leaked database from a company that most people haven’t heard of, we will incorporate it into our master database just the same.

You may search for yourself in the leaked VerticalScope Network database by visiting our homepage. If your personal information appears in our copy of the VerticalScope database, or in any other leaked database that we possess, you may remove yourself for free.

Since embarking on this ambitious project just a handful of months ago, we have processed an unbelievable amount of data. Much more than we expected, more than most large companies will ever house — and we’re just getting started. LeakedSource may soon become synonymous with Big Data, so don’t miss out!

Anyone may use the information on this page for free in any capacity provided LeakedSource is given credit and a link back.

LeakedSource does not engage in, encourage or condone unlawful entry (“hacking”) into private systems.

Table of Contents


This data set contains nearly 45 million records from over 1100 websites and communities. Some of the larger domains include and Each record may contain an email address, a username, an IP address, one password and in some cases a second password. We added this data set to LeakedSource on April 27th 2016 but only analyzed it now.
Given the massive scale of this breach, it is also likely that VerticalScope stored all of their data on interconnected or even the same servers as there is no other way to explain a theft on such a large scale. ZDNET reporter Zack Whittaker contacted VerticalScope on our behalf and they confirmed the breach in addition to our verification from April.


Passwords were stored in various encryption methods but less than 10% of the domains which account for a very small amount of leaked records used difficult to break encryption (less than a couple million). Most of the records (over 40 million) were just MD5 with salting and this is insufficient.

The following table shows the top passwords used by VerticalScope Network users. There seem to be a lot of automated registrations and you can easily see that they own many automobile forums.


Rank Password Frequency
1 123456 150,852
2 18atcskd2w 91,103
3 password 83,862
4 3rjs1la7qe 74,806
5 indya123 62,453
6 q0tsrbv488 62,308
7 india123 62,296
8 110110jp 57,746
9 sojdlg123aljg 52,406
10 thegreat123 49,068
11 123456789 42,073
12 pass1478 39,962
13 d1lakiss 33,177
14 111111 29,850
15 qwerty 25,059
16 yagjecc826 21,975
17 rjgo7we138 21,492
18 12345678 20,703
19 mustang 20,600
20 g9l2d1fzpy 19,842
21 megasecret 16,834
22 2h7vkzo266 15,945
23 ektuhi1234 15,917
24 r9lw4j8khx 15,188
25 tester01 14,966
26 abc123 14,794
27 password1 14,719
28 iw14fi9j 14,319
29 freeze112 13,939
30 vqsablpzla 13,603
31 123hfjdk147 13,386
32 12345 13,115
33 6v21wbgad 12,517
34 letmein 11,946
35 1234 11,785
36 uqa9ebw445 11,729
37 yuantuo2012 11,369
38 asdfasdf 11,255
39 qti7zxh18u 11,220
40 yamaha 11,186
41 monkey 11,047
42 nks230kjs82 11,011
43 iojsjd9887 10,791
44 corvette 10,763
45 paintball 10,433
46 lookatme123 10,295
47 mongd123 10,052
48 welcome123 9,729
49 fake1234 9,639
50 shadow 9,611
51 baseball 9,603
52 harley 9,357
53 sara2000 9,303
54 abcd1234 9,218
55 w5txn36alfw 9,162

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