VK.com was hacked
Preface VK.com was hacked. LeakedSource has obtained and added a copy of this data to its ever-growing searchable repository of leaked data. This database was provided to us by a […]

HEROIC Cybersecurity

July 30, 2024


VK.com was hacked. LeakedSource has obtained and added a copy of this data to its ever-growing searchable repository of leaked data. This database was provided to us by a user who goes by the alias “Tessa88@exploit.im“, and has given us permission to name them in this blog.

LeakedSource is a search-engine capable of searching over 1.8 billion leaked records — an aggregation of data from hundreds of disparate sources. We have been able to accumulate this data over a relatively short period of time through a combination of deep-web scavenging and rumor-chasing. Occasionally these efforts lead to major discoveries (e.g. Myspace.com, LinkedIn.com, Badoo.com), but we really aren’t too picky. If we come across a leaked database from a company that most people haven’t heard of, we will incorporate it into our master database just the same.

You may search for yourself in the leaked VK.com database y visiting our homepage. If your personal information appears in our copy of this database, or in any other leaked database that we possess, you may remove yourself for free when we add our automated removal tools scheduled for June 6th, 2016.

Since embarking on this ambitious project just a handful of months ago, we have processed an unbelievable amount of data. Much more than we expected, more than most large companies will ever house — and we’re just getting started. LeakedSource may soon become synonymous with Big Data, so don’t miss out!

Anyone may use the information on this page for free in any capacity provided LeakedSource is given credit and a link back.

LeakedSource does not engage in, encourage or condone unlawful entry (“hacking“) into private systems.


This data set contains 100,544,934 records. Each record may contain an email address, a first and last name, a location (usually city), a phone number, a visible password, and sometimes a second email address.


After the last breach we received many requests for API access, and we are launching a business API with a consumer one to follow in the near future. You can read about the API features at our API page

Removal from our database

Our automated removal system is scheduled to be released this week that will delete your information from this website, with no subscription or account required. Please check back soon.


Passwords were stored in plaintext with no encryption or hashing. The methods VK used for storing passwords are not what internet standards propose because hackers can now see all 100 million passwords used on the site.

The following table shows the top passwords used by VK.com users.

Rank Password Frequency
1 123456 709,067
2 123456789 416,591
3 qwerty 291,645
4 111111 189,151
5 1234567890 156,614
6 1234567 141,620
7 12345678 107,799
8 123321 93,048
9 000000 91,981
10 123123 89,461
11 7777777 87,022
12 qwertyuiop 77,256
13 666666 77,048
14 123qwe 68,800
15 555555 66,208
16 zxcvbnm 64,066
17 1q2w3e 62,903
18 gfhjkm 57,386
19 qazwsx 56,465
20 1q2w3e4r 55,251
21 654321 51,680
22 987654321 50,306
23 121212 44,652
24 zxcvbn 44,209
25 777777 42,279
26 1q2w3e4r5t 41,141
27 qazwsxedc 39,287
28 123456a 37,611
29 112233 36,795
30 qwe123 36,447
31 ghbdtn 36,302
32 PolniyPizdec0211 33,236
33 159753 32,939
34 123456q 32,123
35 asdfgh 31,722
36 1111111 31,621
37 samsung 31,544
38 qweasdzxc 30,459
39 qwertyu 29,354
40 1234qwer 29,132
41 11111111 28,904
42 222222 28,881
43 asdfghjkl 28,175
44 1qaz2wsx 28,142
45 qweqwe 27,045
46 1111111111 26,826
47 123654 25,947
48 marina 24,309
49 123123123 24,176
50 0987654321 23,749
51 12345q 23,673
52 999999 23,464
53 qwerty123 22,937
54 123456789a 22,749
55 12345a 22,730


Simple table of top email domains

Rank Email Domain Frequency
1 @mail.ru 41,132,524
2 NONE 21,877,927
3 @yandex.ru 11,604,169
4 @rambler.ru 7,416,993
5 @bk.ru 2,183,690
6 @gmail.com 2,033,429
7 @list.ru 1,586,503
8 @ukr.net 1,509,641
9 @inbox.ru 1,411,841
10 @yahoo.com 586,902
11 @i.ua 523,155
12 @hotmail.com 522,182
13 @ya.ru 518,710
14 @bigmir.net 413,599
15 @yandex.ua 319,155
16 @meta.ua 308,771
17 @tut.by 227,743
18 @e-mail.ru 147,319
19 @pochta.ru 138,758
20 @qip.ru 123,094
21 @inbox.lv 106,310
22 @vkontakte.ru 105,614
23 @yndex.ru 94,643
24 @e1.ru 84,581
25 @meil.ru 82,608
26 @ngs.ru 82,202
27 @email.ru 79,524
28 @sibmail.com 71,916
29 @mai.ru 71,692
30 @spaces.ru 71,008
31 @km.ru 70,307
32 @gmail.ru 64,141
33 @ua.fm 60,568
34 @abv.bg 56,825
35 @narod.ru 55,076
36 @mail.com 53,297
37 @live.ru 52,698
38 @web.de 50,339
39 @ro.ru 49,454
40 @e-mail.ua 45,403
41 @online.ua 44,118
42 @mail.ry 43,043
43 @nm.ru 35,446
44 @gala.net 34,613
45 @gmx.de 34,535
46 @seznam.cz 31,700
47 @mail.ua 31,143
48 @email.ua 30,951
49 @pisem.net 30,044
50 @live.com 27,386
51 @il.ru 26,947
52 @voliacable.com 25,347
53 @aport.ru 24,104
54 @hotbox.ru 23,636
55 @mail.by 22,556


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