Get Your Free Domain Report
We’ll email you a detailed report of the external data breaches containing exposed employee logins.

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Get Your Free Domain Report
We’ll email you a detailed report of the external data breaches containing exposed employee logins.

App Lock Icon All information submitted is Private and Secure.
We do not sell or share email addresses.

81% of data breaches involve leveraging weak or stolen login credentials.

-2017 Data Breach Investigations Report, Verizon
Discover Vulnerabilities Facing Your Organization
HEROIC’s free domain report helps organizations discover employee email addresses that have been compromised in external data breaches.

In 2016, over 3.3 billion records including email addresses, usernames and passwords from 1,700+ data breaches were leaked onto the dark web. Once made public, hackers and other parties can obtain and use those records to brute force their way into organizations’ systems and networks to carry out targeted attacks.

How many leaked and stolen employee logins are being used to force access to your network? Find out today with HEROIC.

How Does HEROIC Get Its Records?
We’ve spent years on the dark web discovering stolen and leaked databases as well as individual records. Once our team of dark web analysts discovers new data, they then clean, validate and import the new data into HEROIC’s DarkHive database. The DarkHive contains over 5 billion individual records and thousands of corporate data breaches including sensitive information ranging from email addresses and usernames to passwords and IP addresses.

Copyright 2021 |

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Joining HEROIC is by invite only, to get an invite, as your friends on social media by making a post by reaching out directly. The sooner you join, the more HERO's you can claim.

Submit a post on social media asking your friends whether one of them can invite you.

Go to HEROIC’s Facebook or Twitter page and see which of your friends already follow HEROIC. They may laready be registered

Be the first to know when we launch

HEROIC is still under development, but we are well underway. We estimate launching in early 2024. Subscribing lets you know when we launch, and how you can be the first to reserve your HERO's (special currency specific to the platform).

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