Identity Breach Intelligence & Account Takeover Protection

EPIC (Enterprise Protection of Information and Credentials) helps organizations discover, remediate, and prevent threats stemming from data breaches & leaks involving stolen and leaked employee and customer credentials.

How It Works

Tens of billions of records including email addresses, usernames, and passwords have been breached. Hackers use these records to brute force their way into organizations’ systems and networks to carry out targeted attacks. EPIC is an Identity Breach Intelligence Platform™ (IBIP) that discovers and prevents credential stuffing and account takeover attacks (ATO).

Vulnerable databases and data repositories are breached by attackers.

The compromised data shows up online where malicious actors can obtain the data.

HEROIC’s automated systems and threat analysts discover the compromised data.

Data is then verified, cleaned and uploaded into the HEROIC DarkHive™ for search and reporting

Organizations using EPIC receive real-time alerts and initiate automated remediation actions.

Problems Facing Organizations

Passwords Have Become the Weakest Link

  • 81% of data breaches involve weak or stolen login credentials
  • Last year, over 3B records stolen across 3,000+ known breaches
  • 91% of U.S. adults have had personal info exposed by hackers

Data Breaches are an Increasing Cost

  • Threats and attacks are expected to reach $2 trillion in damages by 2020
  • Data breaches cost U.S. companies an average of $4.45M per breach
  • U.S. companies pay an average of $221 per record involved

Government Issued

  • NIST guideline 800-63B states that organizations should compare new user passwords against a “black list” of unacceptable passwords including a compromised credentials database

Uncover Vulnerabilities

Powered by HEROIC’s DarkHive™, the world’s largest repository of compromised credentials, EPIC allows organizations to scan and monitor domains, emails and IP addresses against 100+ billion records spanning tens of thousands of third-party breaches. EPIC keeps your company in the know through real-time alerts as new, validated data enters the DarkHive™ and as machine learning uncovers credential correlations between leaked databases. 

Key Features

Access to DarkHive™

Our automated systems and dark web analysts have added over 100 billion individual records stemming from tens of thousands of data breaches. Discover if your employees or customers credentials have been compromised with access to the DarkHive.

Detailed Results

Data holds no value unless it’s actionable. Our service provides email addresses, passwords (including hashes), usernames, IP addresses and all other important information exposed to better equip your team with the information they need to protect against credential stuffing attacks.

Real-time Notifications

Our team of dark web analysts and automated systems continuously find, cleanse and validate new breaches and leaks. Once a new database is uploaded into the DarkHive™, we automatically send notifications to your organization with the credentials and information found within the breach.

Customized Roles

EPIC offers the ability to create numerous roles and permissions, allowing multiple departments to gain insight into the breaches related to the organization.

Key Features

Access to DarkHive™

Our dark web analysts have cleansed and formatted over 5 billion individual records stemming from thousands of company data breaches. Discover if your employees or customers have been compromised through unlimited search access to our database.

Detailed Results

Data holds no value unless it’s actionable. Our database will show email addresses, passwords (including hashes), usernames, IP addresses and any other information that may have been exposed for your team to properly remediate.

Real-time Notifications

Our team of dark web analysts continuously find, cleanse and validate new data to be searched. Once a new database is uploaded into the DarkHive™, we automatically send notifications to organizations with credentials found within the newly added databases.

Customized Roles

Strong cybersecurity teams rely on more than one person. EPIC offers users the ability to create numerous roles and permissions, allowing multiple departments to gain insight into the organization’s vulnerabilities and strengths.

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Be the first to know when we launch

HEROIC is still under development, but we are well underway. We estimate launching in early 2024. Subscribing lets you know when we launch, and how you can be the first to reserve your HERO's (special currency specific to the platform).

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